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Water Softeners Information

What is a Water Softener

What sort of salt could I use for my water softener

What is a Simplex Water Softener

What is a Duplex Water Softener

What is Water Softening Resin

Water Softening Resin Selection

What is Ion Exchange

What are the advantages of having a Domestic Water Softener

What is Softened Water

What is Hard Water

What else will a Water Softener Remove

Do Water Softeners need to be Serviced

Disinfection treatment explained

Why is hard water a problem

What should be done if water is found to be hard

What should I look for in a Water Conditioner

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What else will a Water Softener Remove?

Water softeners will remove nearly all the calcium and magnesium from the raw water during the softening process. Softeners will also remove up to 10 ppm of iron and manganese. Water supplies with high levels of iron and manganese (greater than 10 ppm) may need pre-treatment to prolong the lifespan of a Water Softener.

How long will water softeners last?

A quality Water Softener, such as the softeners available from Industrial Water Equipment LTD can last for tens of years.

However, it is usual to replace the ion exchange resins within the Water Softener once they have been exhausted. This is usually between 4 and 7 years, depending on the incoming water hardness and other variable factors.
