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Rainwater Harvesting – Commercial Filters  – Volume Filter VF2


Volume Filter VF2Technical Data
How it WorksDimensions


Rainwater Harvesting Filter - Volume Filter VF2

How it Works

As water arrives the level builds up and flows evenly across the width of the filter cascade.

The largest dirt particles flow across the primary filter cascades directly to the sewer.

Pre filtered water then flows over the secondary filter sieve (Mesh size 0.4 x 1 mm). Due to the special mesh structure of the sieve, any dirt falls directly down onto the bottom of the shaft. In case of heavy rainfalls, the filter has more loss, as the water washes away the filtered dirt into the sewer.

The cleaned water is being absorbed in the lower tank and directed through a tube DN 150 (160mm OD) into the storage.

Dirt goes to the sewer through the shaft.