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Consumer Guide to Water Filters

Water filters for domestic use typically fall into 2 distinct categories

Point of entry units (POE).

This type of unit treats the incoming water supply before distribution throughout the household.

Point of Use (POU).

These units typically range from under the sink type filters, tap filters etc. filter pitchers), faucet filters, and under-the-sink units. Some filters use more than one kind of filtration technology. Whenever trying to choose the right filter for use within your household always opt for a certified product.

All IWE’s household water filters carry the correct certifications for domestic use.

For the majority of UK residents a standard activated carbon water filter should be more than sufficient for most filtration jobs, however certain pollutants such as perchlorate if found to be present within the water supply then a standard carbon filter wont do. Below is a list of the most common cartridge filters and their purpose :

Activated Carbon Filter

How it operates :

Positively charged as well as extremely absorbent carbon within the filter draws in and contains many impurities.

Eradicates :

Bad tastes and odours, including chlorine Can substantially reduce many hazardous contaminants.

Reverse Osmosis

How it operates :

A semipermeable membrane divides impurities from water.


The majority of contaminants, including parasites such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia; heavy metals and other contaminants.

Water Softener

How it operates :

Softens hard water by exchanging minerals.


Calcium and magnesium, that can form mineral debris within plumbing and fittings.

Ultraviolet Disinfection

How it operates :

Ultraviolet light eliminates bacteria as well as various other microorganisms.


Bacteria and parasites.