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Nitrate Removal Cartridge Filters


[su_note note_color=”#e5f2ff” radius=”10″]Nitrates can be commonly found in untreated water such as well water/ ground water and surface water. They are colourless, odourless and tasteless.

Nitrate can also be referred to as NO³ or NO³-N for Nitrate with Nitrogen.

Nitrates levels vary from town to town depending on the characteristics of the land and local industries. Local agricultural and horticultural works can have a huge impact on nitrates being absorbed into the land through fertilisers. Fertilisers not only boost the growth of plants and crops, but once filtered through the land, the nitrates also increase the levels of algae. Algae within a water supply dramatically reduces the oxygen content which can result in the death of aquatic species.[/su_note]


[su_note note_color=”#f2f2f2″ radius=”10″]Empty Refillable Cartridge Filters[/su_note] [product_table search_box=”false” totals=”false” page_length=”false” reset_button=”false” columns=”image,name,price:Price Inc VAT, add-to-cart” variations=”separate” show_quantity=”true” image_size=”80×80″ category=”empty-clear-cartridge-filters”]