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UV Water Filter –Â Weedeco K Series
The potable water supply of large cities and metropolises is a particular challenge for utilities. Enormous quantities of water have to be obtained, treated and distributed in urban areas every day. We probably have the most efficient method of disinfecting large amounts of drinking water with UV light: The UV reactor series WEDECO K.
Disinfect reliably – think sustainably
The elementary UV disinfection requirement in the treatment process is primarily the chemical-free inactivation of viruses, bacteria and parasites such as Cryptosporidium and Guardia – without creating unwanted smells or precarious by-products.
Moreover, further aspects play an ever more important role for water utility operators: Sustainability, environmental compatibility and last but not least energy consumption are important factors for choosing the right technology in times of decreasing resources. And it is here that the UV disinfection system WEDECO K can show off its unique strengths.
WEDECO Spektrotherm® UV lamp – the most beneficial solution compared to medium-pressure emitters. Compared to UV disinfection systems with medium-pressure lamps the WEDECO K series with the highly efficient WEDECO Spektrotherm lamp technology is the most beneficial solution for meeting ecological and economic requirements. The Spektrotherm® low-pressure high-intensity UV lamp sets benchmarks in terms of UV performance and economic efficiency. A special doping (amalgam/indium alloy) and electronic ballasts developed especially for this type of lamp lead to outstanding characteristics for the operation of the UV system.
A low coating formation on the quartz sleeves thanks to the low lamp temperature means cleaning is only rarely necessary. Thus there is no need for an expensive mechanical wiping device.
UV dose control with the WEDECO Vario system
The WEDECO K equipment can be fitted with fully automatic dose control as an option. This unique performance characteristic of the WEDECO technology makes it possible to accurately adapt the required UV performance to the respective water quality and flow rate. The performance of the Spektrotherm® lamp is continuously adjusted for this purpose. In addition, lamp rows can be connected or disconnected e.g. for night operation.
The UV intensity is recorded at a representative place in the UV reactor by means of UV sensors certified by the Austrian Association for Gas and Water (ÖVGW) and serves for regulating UV performance together with the flow signal.
Energy-efficiency: The decisive advantage of the WEDECO K series
The WEDECO K series is the solution with the lowest energy and service life costs. The WEDECO K series sets benchmarks in terms of economic efficiency with a very low current consumption, long lamp service lives, a variable control and moderate investment costs.