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Membrane Filter Presses
[su_spacer size=”30″]Our range of membrane filter presses covers every size requirement. The membrane plate is a significant technological development of the standard recessed plate or every other plate has a flexible face which covers both sides of the plate.
The fundamental principle of membrane operation realises that approximately 75 to 80 per cent of the product to be filtered passes through the filter in the first third of the cycle time. At this point, in each chamber two ‘half’ cakes have been built up. Press feeding is stopped and the flexible membrane outer surfaces are inflated by applying compressed air pressure (or water) behind the membrane surfaces. The two halves of cake in each chamber are then squeezed together, under pressure, forming a single cake of a very homogenous consistency.
Clearly, utilisation of the membrane filter press offers in many applications the following advantages over plate and frame and recessed plate filter presses:
- Increased product throughput
- Reduction of residual moisture of the filter cake
- Filtration, wash and cake cycles shorter
- Cake air blasting can be omitted.
Drier cakes means energy saving on cake drying and transportation The optimised cake structure facilitates quicker and better washing results Varying product quantities and compositions present no problems to the membrane filter press, irrespective of chamber depth, a cake will always be formed.