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[one_fourth padding=”0 6px 0 0″] [/one_fourth] [three_fourth_last padding=”0 0px 0 0″] [one_half padding=”0 10px 0 0″][su_note note_color=”#f4f4f4″ radius=”10″]CAT 5 Break Tank with Booster Pump[/su_note][/one_half] [one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 0″][su_note note_color=”#7e7e7e” radius=”10″]Technical Data[/su_note][/one_half_last]

CAT 5 Break Tank with Booster Pump – Technical Data

Model NoSuctionDischargeKwAmpsClosed Valve PressureDimensions (w,d,h)Voltage
S52-FC2 203-BT1”1”0.554.03.2 Bar650 x 575 x 845mm240 V
S52-FC2-204-BT1”1”0.554.04.5 Bar650 x 575 x 845mm240 V
S52-FC2-205-BT1”1”0.755.15.7 Bar650 x 575 x 845mm240 V
S52-FC2-206-BT1”1” Bar700 x 575 x 845mm240 V
S52-FC2-403-BT1 1/4”1”0.5543.4 Bar650 x 575 x 845mm240 V
S52-FC2-404-BT1 1/4”1”0.755.14.5 Bar675 x 575 x 845mm240 V
S52-FC2-405-BT1 1/4”1” Bar675 x 575 x 845mm240 V

CAT 5 Break Tank and Booster Pump Drawing 1

ModelWSuctionDischargeDry Weight
S52-FC2 203-BT6501"1"30 KG
S52-FC2-204-BT6501"1"31 KG
S52-FC2-205-BT6501"1"32 KG
S52-FC2-206-BT7001"1"35 KG
S52-FC2-403-BT6501 1/4"1"30 KG
S52-FC2-404-BT6751 1/4"1"33 KG
S52-FC2-405-BT6751 1/4"1"36 KG
CAT 5 Raised Ball Valve Chamber
Tank Capacity 68 Litre (15 gallon)
Tank Insulation Jacket Provided (supplied loose)

CAT 5 Break Tank Drawing 2

Cat 5 Break Tank and Booster Pump


